Monday Nights at MoMA feat. Prefuse 73

MoMA lobby
MoMA Lobby

Tonight I attended MoMA’s Monday Nights series. DJ/Musician Prefuse 73 filled the halls with some good beats…there was a very long line for wine, and the museum exhibits all stayed open until 8:45 pm. I took a bunch of shots of the work, check them out. And the current special exhibit, Leon Ferrari and Mira Schendel’s Tangled Alphabets was incredible. divine. absolutely loved it. a sea of words, typography, metal, handwritten chaos, a beautiful mess. I couldn’t photograph it, but if you can, go see it.

Also found other gems throughout the museum that I was able to photograph. all in my flickr ‘museum trips’ set.

Andre Thomkins
Andre Thomkins. Untitled (detail). 1965. Lackskin (enamel) on paper.