My Opening in San Francisco

Opening at Project One

I’ve been working hard for this opening for the past few months. Here are some pics of the big night. I will be updating my website with all the new work very soon.

Show stays up until Saturday Jan 24th. There will be a closing party starting at 8. Come by if you can!

Project One is on 251 Rhode Island St., San Francisco.

SF show Jan 7 & LA show Jan 17

Le Big Bang Art Show - SF

I’ve neglected daydreampilot for one reason only… i’ve been preparing for my shows in SF and LA this coming january. above is the flyer for the san fran show ill be sharing with my friend Katie.

I’ll also be showing in LA on Jan 17th at RSVP needed for LA show.

Please come and support. should be a blast.

back in the grind

I’m back to reality and nyc. was away for 6 weeks in california, land of sunshine and no humidity….I got to visit my friend Joseph in San Francisco and saw the new SENSEI (Project One) space. Also got myself and my girl Katie a show in January! So if you are in the SF area, save it for a kick ass gallery exhibit…I’ll keep you posted on the date.

I documented as much as I could from my west coast art experience, photos on my flickr.

Glad to be home and ready to immerse myself in at nyc art scene….