talk dirty to me

no nooo.. not literally.

‘talk dirty to me’ is an upcoming show at the Larissa Goldston Gallery. Got a friend showing alongside this very talented bunch and I will try to make my way to show some support. I expect mayhem at the opening…and a lot of….dirty..ness.

Opens this Thursday 2/26 & it’s up till 3/28. I will update the post with photos of the event if I can make it.

Showing: Mel Bochner, Thomas Brouillette, A.K. Burns, Mary Coble, Clayton Cubitt, John Currin, Tracey Emin, Rachel Feinstein, Rochelle Feinstein, Mark Fox, Orly Genger, Jane Hammond, Peregrine Honig, Sean Landers, Kevin Landers, Cary Leibowitz, Matvey Levenstein, Kalup Linzy, Paul McCarthy, Suzanne McClelland, Alex McQuilkin, Bruce Nauman, Jockum Nordstrom, Todd Norsten, Richard Phillips, James Siena, Ned Snider, Zak Smith, Jessica Watson, Alexi Worth, Lisa Yuskavage

update: click here to view the photos from the opening.

'talk dirty to me' exhibit