
We know Deitch Projects has had past control of this wall… and they’ve had fun and interesting murals come up in the past… Os Gemeos will now be replaced, but with what? The Brazilian twins painted openly, yet this time, the wall is covered with a door for access… who is behind these walls and what are they doing????

Previous murals: Os Gemeos
Os Gemeos's dedicate to Dash Snow - NYC Mural - Deitch Projects Commission.

Keith Haring Tribute:


“Shampoo” Acrylics on canvas

While on my trip to Spain, I had the chance to sit down and chat with my friend Alejandro Kobiakov about his work. His paintings and drawings bring a smile to my face. They are witty, colorful, charming and skillfully done. I personally enjoyed his charcoal studies as well as the more playful scenarios. One can see his influences of Keith Haring, Boris Hoppek, and he also draws inspiration from Picasso.

© all images by Alejandro Kobiakov

His idea for this series originated from a simple peach and it’s distinctive shape. This sparked a new world, a new genre: Culismo (‘culo’ meaning ‘ass’ in spanish) , with an array of alike characters and the stories they will tell. His latest projects have been sculptures, and most recently, an animation which you can view here. Alejandro likes the idea of reaching a high-level of mass appeal with his work, yet he wants to give his viewers a equal level of intimacy with his narrative. His latest exhibit starts tomorrow, Thursday Sept 17th at Plantazero in Barcelona, Spain, and runs until late October.

Check out Alejandro Kobiakov’s portfolio @ http://www.culismo.com

Below is my favorite of his, reminds me of my time in Barcelona…

“Fantasies and memories of a recent Madrid” Acrylics on canvas

Os Gemeos on Bowery/Houston NYC

os gemeos tribute to Dash Snow- NYC

On this wall once stood a Keith Haring tribute mural. It was drowned by tags and graffiti for many years, but it was recently resurrected and stood strong. But a week ago, it was replaced by the brazilian duo Os Gemeos, known for their illustrative caricatures, strong color and their respectful reputation in the graffiti world. Deitch Projects approached the twins with this commission to replace the Haring wall.

I love this, it really brightens the street, the area, the people (as did the Haring piece). There is much detail and needs to be enjoyed in person. I hope this one stays up for a long time, and I kind of wish Deitch will come up with a project of this stature to replace the Hollister mess on Broadway and Houston… Many more images on my flickr, as usual.

Os Gemeos Mural - NYC

Os Gemeos Mural - NYC

Os Gemeos dedicated the wall to the late artist, Dash Snow.