JMR Solo Show

JMR is back in NYC to have a solo show opening this Friday, April 16th. Mighty Tanaka Studios in D.U.M.B.O. will host JMR’s new work as well as selling an exclusive print by JMR during the event! Click here to read the press release for the show. And here to buy JMR’s work online.

Details below:

The Threat of Chance


Ad Hoc in Brooklyn has a pretty cool show until June 1st featuring 4 artists. The collaboration transforms the gallery into what seems like a shanty town. There are 4-5 small shacks you can explore, with art, tags, posters, signs and anything you can think of spread all throughtout. I pretty much had to go through it about 3 times and kept finding hidden photos or hand written notes.

I particularly enjoyed Billy Mode’s work the most. I was attracted to his use of color and his (mainly) square shape layered paintings. I could relate to his use of newspaper and color washes, similar to my technique for my door series last year. So If you have a chance, stop by Ad Hoc and explore…

artwork by Billy Mode

For loads of pictures from this show, go to my flickr.