Nigel Cooke at Andrea Rosen Gallery

Blind Snake 2. 2009. Oil on linen, backed with sail cloth
Photo: Todd White

Today I got to experience Nigel Cooke’s work for the first time. His very large, yet relatively empty paintings are filled with invoking ones emotion. Upon entering Andrea Rosen Gallery, one is greeted by Cooke’s Blind Snake. A lone, long, ready to strike snake painted with such finesse and subtle color pallete. So fragile with execution, yet such a powerful symbol…My favorite painting of the series. Inside the main gallery space, is a series of large paintings and sculptures. His work reminds me of a surreal dream. I found myself hovering inside these worlds and could almost feel the wind blowing while studying 1989 and his feeling of surrender in Heavy Beret. All the paintings felt like a journey into someone’s inner struggles, their unconscious… I felt an unvisited and unwanted ugliness in his figures yet was brought back into its beauty by their delicacy through his brushwork and technique.

This exhibit will be up until May 30, 2009.
visit or more info.

All images are © Nigel Cooke
All images are courtesy of Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York.

Heavy Beret. 2009. Oil on linen
Photo: Todd White


1989. 2009. Oil on Linen, backed with sail cloth
Photo: Todd White


Experience. 2009. Oil on Linen
Photo: Todd White


Big Predecessor. 2009. Patinated bronze with paint.
Photo: Jeremy Lawson

latest works by Maria Cristina Romero

Venezuelan artist Maria Cristina Romero has been working on her latest series of paintings and sculptures. In her paintings, she’s been experimenting with texture by using fabrics and actual keys as well as bold colors, thick brushwork and strong shapes. I find her bronze sculptures just beautiful. Click at the photo below to see a selection of them.

recent works by Ma.Cristina Romero
© art by ma. cristina romero

Work to Do – 112 greene st. studio

WORK TO DO exhibit

Royce Bannon & the Endless Love Crew have put together a pretty incredible show at the 112 greene st. studio. 50 artists took over the floor, walls, ceilings and doused them with art. what a treat to see all these talented street artists in one space. my buddy alex from Mighty Tanaka gave me a tour of the studio and the work, which was a real plus. he’s going to help me caption the show on my flickr set…(’cause i have an awful memory). But wanted to thank him for being a great host.

This show has been extended and will be up ’til May 1st. You should swing by and immerse yourself in some street art culture. I left inspired.

WORK TO DO exhibit
Mighty Tanaka

My Opening in San Francisco

Opening at Project One

I’ve been working hard for this opening for the past few months. Here are some pics of the big night. I will be updating my website with all the new work very soon.

Show stays up until Saturday Jan 24th. There will be a closing party starting at 8. Come by if you can!

Project One is on 251 Rhode Island St., San Francisco.

outsiders ny


The guys from Lazarides Gallery in London & Newcastle popped up at 282 bowery. On my way to Delancey, I stumbled into this unexpected gallery. It’s so refreshing seeing a lot of work on a large space in this city. Temporarily, the walls of 282 bowery are a good example of urban decay ironically decorated with current graffiti and street artists work. The collective totals 19 artist from all over the world including Blu, Faile, Ian Francis, Vhils and David Choe. The work varies from all kinds of genres. I truly enjoyed seeing this and will return to pay attention to detail and take notes. If you don’t have the chance to see it, I took photos of the work. check them out here. If you are in NYC, the show is extended ’til Oct 26th. a MUST see.



A 50kg solid gold statue of model Kate Moss, created by artist Marc Quinn, is unveiled at the British Museum.

ummmm….So this is the largest GOLD statue since the time of the Egyptians… I can see this being found 3000 years from now and teach our descendants about today’s civilization… But I just can’t help but to look directly at Kate Moss’s crotch… Whats with the extreme Yoga move? Couldn’t the artist Marc Quinn have found a more flattering pose? I do find the upper part of the sculpture, with her arms and legs intertwining to be beautiful… But I don’t know.. I don’t think I like it… 1.5 Million £’s to look directly at her you know what? …. thoughts?

click here to read an article about the sculpture on the BBC.

A day at the MET

Spent the day yesterday walking the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 81st and 5th Ave. Its been over 10 years since my last visit (god I feel old), and I forgot how HUGE that museum is. I tried to go through the whole thing, but it must be about a weeks worth of walking….So pretty much just walked around and stumbled into places and eras that seemed interesting.

Loved the Victorian rooms:

Saw plenty of sculptures and paintings. Saw my favorite painters and also took detail pictures of their brushwork. Painters such as Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cezanne really get me in the mood to paint. I love their colors, the richness of the paint, the brushwork and subject matters. I adore the tropical still-lifes and landscapes. They remind me of Venezuela and my godmother, who’s first oil paint lesson for me was a mango still-life on her backporch over-looking the Maracaibo Lake.
MET - Van Gogh
Detail of Van Gogh’s ‘Shoes’ 1888

Also swung by the SUPERHEROES exhibit, which was surprisingly small and overly hyped for what it well as the Jeff Koons sculptures on the Rooftop garden. the view was great…the sculptures… meh. I did get a kick of the reflections.

Superheroes ExhibitMET - Jeff Koons

I love the MET. one of my favorites. So much history and so much art. I need a free week to walk it all.

Maria Cristina Romero

Art work by ©Maria Cristina Romero

Its time for a new artist to feature… Maria Cristina Romero is a Venezuelan artist whos paintings have inspired me for years and years.

She is incredible with detail and technique, but lately has been focusing on abstract and texture. She also loves to Sculpt. She has taught me so much about art since little, I owe my passion for it to her. Check out her portfolio and be inspired.

Robert Rauschenberg

I was walking around 5th ave. and 68th and ran into a gallery which was showing Robert Rauschenberg’s work. I will write soon about the show. But for now you can view most of it on my flickr page. I really enjoyed this find.
