Mighty Tanaka presents Mike Schreiber

Photography of Mike Schreiber

Last night was the opening for photographer Mike Schreiber. A retrospective of his last 12 years documenting hip hop culture as well as his travel experiences. He has set-up and captured incredible moments. I wondered how he found himself in certain situations, as they were an exciting and raw view of ones perspective. So many stories to tell in just one shot. My friend Alex of Mighty Tanaka curated this event, which included good beats, spoken word and free beer. mmhm, that’s right! I had the pleasure of meeting Mike, who was very engaging and attentive to everyone. And Alex, of course, was extremely helpful by filling us in with the stories behind some of his favorite shots.

Click here to read more about the show from Mighty Tanaka.

Photography of Mike Schreiber© all images by Mike Schreiber.

I documented the opening. Check the photos out.

the darkroom


I am obsessed with it. i can spend hours in there…..days even! *sigh* I haven’t used one since I moved from California. I was super lucky to have lived with a photographer who had built her own darkroom at the art loft….I lived above it, literally, on the roof of the darkroom. Some days I would easily spend 8 hours. I guess I share a love for cameras like my grandfather (mom’s side). He liked to collect them. I have been collecting cameras for 5+ years… Off the top of my head, I have….30+. they range from a 1904 brownie, to a 2007 canon sd. One of these days I will list my cameras on this blog. Some people (*ahem*, lorenzo) don’t believe I own that many….. 🙂 As you can tell, I have total love, respect and passion for cameras, film and the darkroom. I have a full darkroom put away at my parents garage in San Diego. sooo far away….. Once I have the space in NY to build it, i will bring all my things out. meanwhile, I need to find someone with one they don’t mind sharing (emailll meeee). I have asked around the city, and the cheapest is ABC no Rio for 6$ an hour. I believe they are renovating, so might be out of service for a bit. Otherwise, gotta look into paying about 15-20$/hr average for a darkroom in manhattan. If you have any questions about darkroom experiences, ask away. or if you would like a certain ‘how to’, just let me know. And if you know of anyone who has a darkroom available, please let me know. I will supply chemicals and paper , etc etc….