Frida Kahlo’s private memories

A stash of about 6,500 photos from Frida’s personal life have become public after years in storage. For this particular exhibit, about 240 of them will be showcased to the public.

Photo with Tina Madotti 1928

Photo by Antonio Kahlo 1946

Photo circa 1930

Photo by Florence Arquin 1938

Photo of Diego Rivera 1940

Credit: Courtesy of Artisphere (via NPR)

On hiatus

Hi. Work is nuts. NYC is nuts. Life is good, but busy is an understatement. I’m painting for a possible November show, so I’ll post details then, otherwise I’ll be taking a bit of blog break.

If you stumble in, there is about 4 years worth of archive. Search around and enjoy. I’ll come back and add more soon.

