
A 50kg solid gold statue of model Kate Moss, created by artist Marc Quinn, is unveiled at the British Museum.

ummmm….So this is the largest GOLD statue since the time of the Egyptians… I can see this being found 3000 years from now and teach our descendants about today’s civilization… But I just can’t help but to look directly at Kate Moss’s crotch… Whats with the extreme Yoga move? Couldn’t the artist Marc Quinn have found a more flattering pose? I do find the upper part of the sculpture, with her arms and legs intertwining to be beautiful… But I don’t know.. I don’t think I like it… 1.5 Million £’s to look directly at her you know what? …. thoughts?

click here to read an article about the sculpture on the BBC.

2 Replies to “hmmmm…”

  1. It’s disgusting, and I am pretty open minded. How sad that in some distant future civilization might look at this and think ‘Freaks!’ When is art not art? Maybe some thief will steal it and melt it down, one can only hope…

  2. It’s not the yoga posture that makes it offensive, more that the asana has been usurped for misuse and the offense is the medium the piece is cast in. If KM and the artist are seeking balance and meaning by pursuing yoga, it’s just been obliterated by allowing her image to be used in this way.

    Similarly if they wanted to jointly make a meaningful statement, they could allow the piece to be publicly melted down, sold and the funds used for something worthwhile in the world.

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